
Your go-to collections lawyers

If you are owed money because of a debt, pursuant to a mortgage or promissory note, or for any other reason, Garth Wright Law is here to help you collect. Recovering debt can be an expensive and lengthy process. Debt collection needs to be handled quickly and efficiently with a view to all options available.

Since 1983, we have acted for many local businesses and individuals to recover money owed. Garth Wright Law can act for creditors and help recover money owing, as well as act for debtors, defending against unjustified collections claims.

We have a team ready to help you, if you have any collection issues.

If you are a business,

we can advise you about the content of work orders, credit applications and other internal documents that will assist you in collecting money owed.

If you are a garage or mechanic,

we can advise you about repairers liens and the steps necessary to recover your lien claim or to extend it if necessary.

If you are a building contractor,

We can advise you about builders liens and take the steps necessary to prosecute a builders lien or debt claim.